Wednesday, August 02, 2006

milo .....JUICE

as usual, i was ordering food for my dinner at the campus, after that i went and sat down and waited for my frens to join me...
then ch came very excitedly, and we asked him why??what happen??
he say , juz now there was a foreigner ordering drinks, he was holding 5 peices of one ringgit notes, then he tell the guy over the counter that he wanted 5 milo (paused for a while, looking at the person that has no respond) then he con'd saying the word "JUICE"...since when milo is catagorize as juice???



Anonymous said...

Objection!! I din "came very excitedly" okay -_-"

far far away said...

Soli soli
this is to make it sounds more intersting ma~~~hehe...