Sunday, November 29, 2009


Ratings from Me : 8.5/10
I personally like this movie very much, but is it true? Well,I hope its not...
Astrologist has proven that in the year-end of 2012 the planets are indeed going to be align in a straight line. But what will be the effect?
Mayan states that the World that we now live in will soon expire.
Climate changes around the globe are showing to us that the earth is sick.
But as a individual, i can only walk more instead of driving, use less air con, plant more greens...
turn off the tab and lights when not in use.
But above all is not practical, with all the snatch thief around, is it really safe to walk?
With all the reckless drivers, i am sure one day i will be knock-down
TNB(Malaysian One and Only Power Supplier) is doing a great job by conserving energy - Frequent breakdowns, shutdown, meltdown can save energy right...hehe
But plant more greens?? I don't think my country is practicing they are chopping down trees faster than trees can grow.

Back to the 2012 story plot, that is something we cannot control since its the sun that causes the neutrinos to heat up the earth core.
What we can do is we try to achieve more in our life just in case the world really ends in 2012.
Forget about the Billion Euro trip, since not most of us can afford, that does not mean we cannot not save any money. In case the world do not end there, my life will definitely end there...haha

Picking up flying lessons perhaps??Or tied myself with balloons like the grandpa in 'UP'?

A lil thought, since now its the recession, if the world is really going to expire by 2012, should it be announced to the rest of the humanity?? Taking into account that the economy is already in a bad shape, why not eh?

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