Monday, March 14, 2005

studying abroad!~

spm result was released last week, and guess what!!A malay finally a top scorer with 17A1, not that i am bias or racist, juz that i suddenly felt that for certain reasons the chinese and indians or i shud say other malaysians tends to pull back, not that great in achievement anymore.well mayb is the policy that the goverment is implementing kept changing such as for the requirement to enter local Uni, it really make us (other malaysians) nuts.first the quota system, even if other non bumiputra got into local U they were offer some courses that were not up to their expectations.i've a fren got a perikanan course, luckily he got used to it and get freat results. on the other hand some bumiputra get brillant courses but ended up flunking each and every subject a forever university student, or they ended up as mat motor who used to race everynight.c'mon, we wanted to get in and we were unable to do so due to ur kind considerate nenek moyang yang amat di kasihi, and u guys dun even appreciate the chance , get the money from ptptn modified motor, modified car, buy new hp , then dun wanna return money , until those needed ones dun have money...where are all ur brains?inside the tempurung?well, again i am not trying to say each and every bumiputra are like that, there are some good ones too!!i have a couple of them that are very keen on studying and with great personality.

therefore the rich other malaysians choose to study abroad, those middle class with great result tried very hard to get scholarship, those not so rich ones enter local private university college.

therefore my not very useful advice to all the other malaysian is study hard!!!dun fall back!!c'mon malaysia boleh!!congratulations to the great spm achiever and to those with not so good result, look for jobs from bottom to the top!!sure can !!look at uncle lim of genting..haha

educations is very important!!!if u wanna be successful!!

far far away...


refuse said...

hey i'm a malaysian in a far-far away place so long time no news of whaz happening in m'sia. A malay got 17a1 for spm?! wow! the world is definitely changing! anyway thx for the news.. just happened to stumble upon your blog..hehe

JoySniffer* said...

Hi there, would u mind if i add your link into my blogpage becoz i find urs is really interesting. =)