Thursday, December 27, 2007

Worst day ever...

I hate to admit it but today was really the worst day of my life, nevertheless i have to work tomorrow again...but TGIF!!!

DAMMIT, just some bitches in the office really pissed me off lately, and a some other bitches in my life that again pissed me off until i am speechless...i really really hope all these bitches will have their own worst dayssssssssssss in their life!!! and burn in hell!!!!

got really stress today at a point of time i was looking for job somewhere else, but until i met a dog and a cat that was so cute...

then again, good things won't happen to me on my worst day, becuz fucking monkey scratch the car!!!but yet again, human learn thru mistakes...and those who never made mistake before never learned??or is it they are too brilliant to make mistake i wonder...

Any head hunter out there??drop by and i email u my resume...really desperate for a job and the money!!!

life had been great lately until year end, i do hope that it will all come to an end this year end!!!
I do hope that no one arse is harm during my worst day eva!!!

any advice on how to deal with two face bitch??

Life is hard being a ALONG...CHEE BYE.........................

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Yeah I do agree with you on the office politics. You can't get out of it when we are in the working world. It's a dog eat dog's world out there. The only way I think best is to stay as far away as possible. My lady boss is a real politic player and we are somehow part of it, sad to say. The reason is because she wants to climb ladders faster than others and won't let others above her if possible. Now she have her worst day of her life as the person she dislike have gone above her. So I just fold my hands and stay away. Whatever she says I just nod and make her feel proud of herself. That's what she likes about in the office. Self praise can be heard in the office everyday on how well she have done. Sometimes she will be poltergeist in her own four walls, where she'll blast out laughing her lungs out. She'll usually on her toes (because she wears high heels, short ma) when her issues went down. There are much to talk about, but I've to stop here. Care for tea to throw out our frustrations?