Thursday, April 14, 2005

early morning~~

woke up at 5 this morning...then i suddenly remember that my sis recommended that there was this adsense thingy by Google , and i tried to register myself to it...but the request is still pending..:)

Wow!! finally finish my finals having my 8 weeks holiday stint..muahahaha...some of my friends in uni are still having exam...lucky me to finish all the paper fast!!!But when i study real hard during the 1st week who knows about how much i suffer!!!!haha...juz like the saying goes....bitter first then sweet later...

some friends invite me to visit cameron with them, so desperate to go somewhere to relieve my self a lil, but that's kinda impossible cause no money ...hahaha...anyone got a job to recommend??i am very desperate for a job!!!!

back to my finals, some papers are tough some are easy, during that study week, i was really stressful, so stress that i hated everyone that talks crap!!!esspecially my ''gay'' roomie...hahaha....he talks damn a lot man!!!shit...and he really pissed me off!!!

yeah...the plan going to pg is on..despite the earthquake warning and tsunami!!!hehe...and i some how found out that the the earthquake that hit sumantra on the early april is actually an aftershock of the dec 26 event!!!even now , there is still aftershock and it's still counting...might be a bigger one coming...despite all the earthquake and shake shake...our beloved klcc and kl tower are still standing tall, but how come there is no news about them on the newspaper??everyone are only talking about condominiums high rise building, klcc and kl tower not high rise building?or they are juz way above all the high rise building??i thought there should be transparency in all what happen??oh ya... the gov is approving a high-way project again!!!!this time dunno connect from where to where...there are so many highway!!!all need to pay toll!! time when i step out from my house, i won't be suprise if i need to pay !!!!

till all for now...need to go eat breakfast!!!


Anonymous said...

y so broke??next time make sure u save some money so tht u can go n relax for a while....teng

Anonymous said...

now we can interblog .. haha.
kewl? ;p