Wednesday, August 30, 2006


Everything has to be replaced sooner or later, from the 80’s mini compo that people use to carry around with size D battery, to nano iPod that strap around your hand. From large large main frame to laptop that can explode due to its battery short circuited. From magnetic tapes to mirco SD card.

Here are some examples that are more realistic, remember the olden day’s huge cinema that can fit in more than 250 people? there was this REX cinema where I 1st watch the 1st episode of Jurrasic park when I was 12 yrs old, but soon after that, Cineplex blossom…it opens all over the place such as in the shopping mall , one shopping mall can have 9-12 Cineplex, of cuz, these places have comfortable seats, air conditions and uniformed attendant. But soon after that, privacy struck! People tend to switch to cheap but low quality VCD, then high quality DVD 5 or DVD 9. But technology doesn’t stop right there, well you see, in order to save money, smart consumer begin to realize, where did all these source came from? They might as well, create a Peer to peer system and share it across the network. Here it appears BT(bit torrent) fast , and free!!juz get the torrent file and begin downloading, although one might get junk torrent that is not clear , cinema version, but most of them are smart enuff to download clear good stuff.

So it all goes , from FTA(Free To Air) tv station, to mega TV, then astro , and now, taiseng, the company that rents series out , but ppl dun op this anymore, cuz ppl are able to use BT to download them, much more faster and the main thing is FREE!!!We can download album and MTVs.

But did anyone notice this violates the privacy rule?? Its wrong to do so…but there are still people doing it. Until now, there is still no exact law that governs it, or it does just poorly implemented. or the government is unable to catch up with the technology , yeah yeah, our passport are the smartest passport…But DAMN!, its expensive!!! And so smart, can it talk??? You know certain things are nice to read on the papers but when it comes to implementation it sucks to da max!!! to my knowledge, not many country support such high tech passport…and is it duplicatable?? This is still a myth…

So sooner or later, one might embedded some cheap in your forehead to identify one person, with this chip we are like dog(16bits), that requires scanners to scan the 512bits (for human or maybe 1024bits)barcode , and this can function as our passport and no one can duplicate it , unless suffered some pain many many times…

So think of it, replacement, everything can be replace, even relationship, if one let go , surely there is room for improvement.


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